Feb 29, 2012

my stick girL

ini kisah seorang kanakkanak yang bertulangkan lidi.
akibat tersesat di laman yang penuh bersawang ,
kanakkanak ini kehilangan lemak dan kolestrol melekit yang melekat di badannya menyebabkan organorgan penting di badannya berguguran lalu dimakan oleh anaianai dan cacingcacing yang hampir mati akibat terlebih makan. 
 " Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you"
" You know Albus Dumbledore??"
*hoyeahh, he's my neighbour lerr .

"As you wish princess, "

" You know what else sound fun? Change me into vampire.Pwetty Pease??"

*le gasp*
" We're being watched. We should get a guard Swan "

" Expecto Potranum !! "
......she knew the Potronus Charm.*amazed
" Woo Hoo ! Shout out for Volturi "**tade kaitan pon

 "Dude, we scored some whores. We're going to eat them out…then just eat them. Come on!"
*Oh! you're real rebel.

its magically raining rose petals

bloody shark !!
"what are they doing here."
hushh. dont say a word....

" Expelliarmusss..! "
*she bombed herself. and all the creatures loosed,scattered all around the floor.

Thanx to FarhanimIdani for letting me to try the game.

syamila osmani


  1. Hahaha besh2....ang nya drawing better pada aku...aku nya huduh gila haha

    1. haha. nahhh.tu pon brape kali na clear.hehe
