Mar 11, 2014

part 2

hello, assalamualaikumm :D
ill try make it short.
im 20th. already, alhamdulillah.
Thanks Allah for the air that breathe in.
start the second part of my degree.
O Allah. I beg You, please ease our tasks.
Start a new life.
hailaaa yelahhh. duduk rumah sewaa.
its quite tough. frankly speaking here. IT'S HARD!
im a big girl. i should stay strong. this is just the beginning.
Be strong. be go girl!!
susah na cakap. but I knew You already knew what s in my mind.
please ease my family matter.
there's so many things to think of.
i need strength to bear those matter.
Please. Please. this is hard for me.
sometimes, idothinkthatimthealieninthehouse -.-
my own speculation. biarlahh.okayy
maaf.i wont say anything bout it okay.

Things that i've learnt:
  1. Its not easy to satisfy everyone
  2. Tolerance is important.
  3. Dont even think of yourself, others pun ade hati okay?
  4. Dont take anyone for granted
  5. Be grateful
  6. Dont even think that you always right. sometimes you are wrong :p
  7. Bersabarlah bebanyak. Now I knew my mom's feeling.
  8. Lastly, dont even post anything weird about others, youll create speculations yknow
  9. #PrayforMH370.
  10. Saranghaeyo. Moga allah Redha~~

Jan 12, 2014


assalamualaikum ! knock knock! 
hello peepsss. happy 2014. 
May Allah ease your days. Ameen.
It has been a while kan.
Yes. i'll make it short and simple.
Alhamdulillah. Im half through my final exam for the first part of my degree. Hooyeahh. Tah la macanee terstuck kat sinii. semua rezeki Allah. Alhamdulillah. maybe ni yang terbaik.

Things dont always go like we hope. 
Yea we cant always have the same apple everytime at the same shop. It looks the same but its not kann.
I always hope the people here would be the same like the ladies i've known at school.
They are different. Varies of mind and thoughts. You cant force them to be like you wish. They are people. People make mistakes. You make mistakes daisy. But mistakes can be avoided. Its all in your hand. 
Alhamdulillah. done my AnatomyAndPhysiology paper. the paper was tettt!.
I kept on blaming myself. n others for not telling me the answers,heh!
People. dont be such a bodoh sombong like me. when tatahu tanya. Jangan buat pandai dan tahu.
Tidak tahukan apa itu usaha tangga kejayaan? Tidak belajarkan tentang sesal dahulu pendapatan sesal kemudian tidak berguna? Sabsabb * potongbawang,nangis*
Time waits for nobody, use your time wisely.
 I AM S-E-R-I-O-U-S. 
sangat amat sungguh kot.


happy birthday ayah. 55 tahun :')
da 6 tahun lebih ayah tade. anak ayah ni tatahu la bila na matang.
Maaf ayah. for not being a good daughter. Im sorry
I dont read books much nowadays, you love to read sorry
Im not doing the things that you ask me to sorry
In sya Allah. I'll improve myself.
O Allah. Please ease my ayah's days.
O Allah I beg You, Please love my ayah more than he loves me since i was a child. Please take care of him. 
and please, grant my du'a. Ameen.

Maaf. This is so-not short and simple.
Who care. bukan sapa manaa apa bila pun baca. haha

Jul 10, 2013

a year.

hai assalamualaikum.
laman sesawang byk sawang. setahun dah ta mnuliss.
it is, hahah.

first of all, ahlan wasahlann ya ramadhan. happy fasting to all muslims on the earth. :) *EXCITED*

just now, i read balik posts before. back then, i was that kind of girl. the fun girl. acecece, perasann. i realized that i have lots of funn last year. there s so many changes. even the social life has changed. i didnt say that im no fun nowadayss, but yknoww, its totally differennt. and it make me sad somehow. why. im grownn up, aging. haha. * baru a year gap kann. naaaahh. thats no the matter now. im grown up, matured sikit. penganggur mcm post( s ) before jugakk. just finish my matriculation. its awesome to be there. i met more awesome people that change me a bit to a better person, how i manage to handle or suffer the probs, i turned to a quiet mila *yekee*,haha.
 wowwwowwowa year gap,
  • i lost my loveydovey opah,sobs
  • my orange kittycat gone,
  • im 19 now! alhamdulillah!
  • im fatter, alhamdulillah, rejeki isi
  • im taller?hee tipu.
  • im the same me. 
uolls rindu kitee tak? yes. perasan. setahun dahh berlalu. mana ada org baca belogg neh dahh. tp sukasukaa na tulehh, biaqq lee.

so, in this barakahh ramadhan, i hope we olls able to improve ourselves, do more good deeds coz the deeds makes u the mann yaww!
 lost some baby fats,hmpp! be nice, smile :)
sayang syamila!